brother air

early years

Brother Air—known as Willie Smart Jr.—fostered a strong passion for music starting at the age of 4. Dedicating his life to his craft, he aspired for stardom in the jazz realm.

“I’m an artist. been playing since I was 4 years old, studying jazz music”

At 16, Brother Air would leave home, venturing off to New York and Chicago where he would immerse himself in the inspiring and destructive sides of the jazz scene.When he was 19-20 years old Brother Air was making a substantial income, attending celebrity parties, and enjoy a lavish lifestyle.Before long, he was collaborating with numerous renowned musicians, putting Brother Air on the path to make a significant name for himself.However, he started to feel the impact of this lifestyle.

“I was eating everything man!I was a practitioner of soul food.That whole piece and the drugs…”

Engaged in unending travel, performances, and drug use, Brother Air recognized that he could not live this way of life for much longer — it was killing him.Through a fortunate twist of fate, his mother took him and his sister to an event that would profoundly alter Brother Air's life path.

“I remember my mother took me and my sister to a lecture by Dick Gregory, that was the first time I heard about vegetarianism.”

Brother Air began studying and familiarizing himself with Dick Gregory's approach to vegetarianism in hopes of improving his health.

“I started reading all that stuff man.I was getting deeper and deeper into the music.deeper and deeper into the drugs.I knew I couldn’t keep up that kind of pace.I started becoming a vegetarian.”

His desire to restore his health was intertwined with a thirst for understanding truth — enlightenment or self-realization.He utilized his financial resources to aid in his quest, regularly attending lectures and devouring 2 to 3 thick books a week.Brother Air displayed unwavering commitment in his pursuit of truth and good health, which eventually eventually led him to life-altering information.Information he would receive on a short trip home.

''I came home to Cincinnati, just for a quick visit.I’m riding down the street in the passenger side of my friend's car…''

‘What the–man this is Cincinnati you ain’t see no sh*t like that!’‘Man you gotta turn around!’

“Man here goes some black guys with long locks, playing the most avant-garde type of…”

Avant-garde DEFINITION:
New & unusual, or experimental ideas

What Brother Air witnessed was a captivating performance by two skilled musicians.One on the saxophone, the other on drums.In a wild coincidence, the saxophonist turned out to be Victor.The same man who had introduced Tekoa to this revolutionary information years before.After some friendly back and forth with these musicians—letting them know he can play as well—Brother Air would be invited to their practice spot

“I got into my car and I went on over to the practice spot…and they’re talking about the diet!”

turning point

Joining the conversation, Air shared with his new friends that he was a vegetarian.Surprised by this, they asked if he was familiar with the works of Professor Arnold Ehret.Specifically his:
Mucusless Diet Healing System

''You know I would be on the road and just buy a lot of things, and would not be able to use them a lot of times......Take them back to the hotel, and a lot of times I would get a chance to read everything, and a lot of times I wouldn’t.''

''So I go home, I haven’t even had the chance to go out and get the book but for some reason I said ‘Let me look through my stack...’Come to find out I had the book!''

''Went back and read it—a light went off in my head, my life literally changed that day.''

Brother Air put an end to his drug use, this marked a substantial turning point in his life.He wholeheartedly embraced the world of juicing under the mentorship of Jay Kordich, famously known as the Juice Man.Air would go on to visit Jay Kordich's West Coast home and immerse himself in the study of various juicing remedies and recipes for a period of time.

''The whole physiology thing just took over me......I started changing my lifestyle as far as a jazz musician—not wanting to go into bars and clubs.That was almost like cutting my throat.I was just really serious about the environment.''

Over the next 40 years Brother Air would transform into a living example of what it meant embody a "Mucus-Free Lifestyle".Air went on to establish a family deeply rooted in the groundbreaking work of Professor Arnold Ehret, providing a blueprint for future families.He picked up where Ehret had left off following his questionable death, venturing into uncharted territory.Brother Air currently serves as beacon of hope, wisdom, and guidance for the Mucus-Free community.He even introduced Professor Spira to the Mucusless Diet Healing System when Spira was just 19 years old.Playing a pivotal role in Spira’s journey by mentoring him, ultimately leading Spira to become one of the most prominent public practitioners in the modern world.